Free Church Websites?

Churches choosing free church website plans quickly discover that "free" actually means "Traffic Free." Hardly anyone visits the site - many times not even their own church members.

Free Church Websites

All churches and nonprofit ministries are experiencing tough financial times now, that's for certain. That's exactly why "free" seems attractive to us.

Free church websites and free nonprofit websites generally end up on the scrapheap of well-intentioned, but failed projects. They look bad and don't offer the latest technology to meet your needs.

When it comes to free church websites you'll get precisely what you pay for.

There is something much, much greater than free church websites. Instead of burning up your planning time, your technology committee's expertise, and untold hundreds of man-hours on a free church website, just take a small amount of $$'s and invest in a company that knows what they're doing. is hard evidence that someone with almost no money can start a thriving website where people come and enjoy spending time.

Take a second to watch this video clip...

If you or your church need to boost your online presence you've come to the right place. Let me tell you more.

Professional Online Ministry Site

In my humble opinion, this system is hell's best kept secret.

The devil does NOT want you finding out about this powerful website building company that can be the vehicle for spreading the gospel message around the world.

The forces of evil do NOT want to battle yet another website packed with a bold, powerful, unique way of sharing the gospel.

They're still licking their wounds from the beating they took by the Cross of Christ!

Once one signs up with this website building company, the designated webmasters are trained to do everything that needs to be done on the site. That is a BIG statement meaning you don't have to wait on someone to update your site when you need it done.

Updates are all done in-house - i.e. in YOUR house.

The webmaster, which would be you or one or more you designate, is given everything needed to plan, create, maintain, and update your own site. It's a major blessing to those like me who want to teach the world about Jesus without having to wait or rely on others. That is some serious freedom which you don't get elsewhere.

Your organization's designated webmaster can even plan, build, update, and maintain the website from their home, making it easier to find a volunteer to "run the show."

The support team at SBI!, and their helpful support forum, are worth far more together than the price you'll pay for the low annual or monthly dues. No kidding - technology systems don't get any better than this.

That's some great stuff, and I know it works well. Now, let's talk a little more about pricing.

Not A Free Church Website - But Budget Friendly

I'm not going to go into pricing, but for all the training, tools, and support you receive the price is ridiculously low.

SBI! and Sitesell combine everything you need for a vibrant site in one inexpensive, annual price.

To be perfectly honest, it's an incredibly small investment for the amount of training, tools, and support you receive. I really don't know how they make ends meet.

You'll get a hint of all the things you can accomplish in this next section.

Newest Technology On The Internet

I'm really excited about this area for two reasons: First, (click) SBI! rolled out their new platform over the summer and it is fantastic. I LOVE building webpages!

Secondly, there is NOTHING you cannot do online with an SBI! website. All of the latest technologies and ideas are at your fingertips.

You and your ministry can easily bring your church to life through your own pictures and videos, so everyone is up-to-date with the latest ministry news.

  • Do you want to upload your weekly sermon video, Pastor? No problem!
  • You can easily upload the sermon's audio version, as well.
  • Place your sermon text on the website for those who would rather read your message, or after listening, referring back in order to meditate deeper on it.

I know the hard work you put into building your weekly message, so you may as well upload it online and let the Lord continue to use it!

  • Hey, Youth Pastor! You can reach more teens around the world if you post your weekly lessons online.
  • Adapt your preaching and teaching into Bible lessons, so people around the world can benefit.
  • Same for you, Children's Pastor - why not touch the world's kids with your weekly children's message?
  • Music Pastor, use your expertise to start a new website that can help worship teams thrive.
  • The Pastoral staff can all add to the church's daily or weekly blog, too (click): Blog or Build?

There are endless possibilities for using this cutting edge technology.

Finally, there are over 2 billion internet users around the globe now. The audience is big enough to keep us all busy.

Global Audience For Your Church Website

I think this is the BEST part of building a ministry website. We all had great ideas when the internet was taking off a decade ago, but, unfortunately, our dreams died with our failing websites and blogs, didn't they?

Well, it's time to reclaim those dreams!

It's now possible to practice the worldwide part of The Great Commission through the local church, which is the way it's meant to be done.

You can build your Methodist website, Presbyterian website, Lutheran website, Pentecostal website, Baptist website, etc., or any nonprofit website for your mission to stretch around the globe. ANY ministry or ANY Christian business can now effectively and successfully GO GLOBAL!

You have valuable information and knowledge that's needed around the world by people seeking to better know Jesus Christ. Feed Jesus' sheep, my Friend, feed them well.

Ministry Expansion

Does your congregation have people with ministries they would like to expand? Maybe they have Christian products like candles, or quilts, or wow, the possibilities are seemingly endless.

You can also easily rise to the top of your town in website rankings, making your church easier to find by new families in your area.

Really, there are no limitations to the power you possess through a website that is created through SBI!

There is a strong possibility that you and the church or ministry staff are too busy to train and build your new thriving website. I completely understand - I've been there.

Great News! Sitesell has the BEST website building team ready to help you out. Click on this screen to watch the short video...

I occasionally have the SBI! Team do some design work on my site, and they're really wonderful partners - friendly, efficient, and more than capable.

Small glitches occasionally arise, but, their support staff addresses the problem immediately.

Grasp This!

We've covered a lot of ground today, and I know a person can only absorb so much at one time. If you're on info overload right now, just bookmark the site and come back and visit soon.

There are so many questions coming to your mind, I'm sure. That's only natural. Click on the following screens for some straight-forward answers to your specific questions.

Feel free to Contact Me anytime. I'll quickly respond to your questions.

Prayer for Guidance:
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the gifts and tools you provide in order to advance your message of forgiveness and hope. Help me to properly research, and then discern the best way to go about sharing your gospel. Your word is my passion, and most important calling. I want to make sure I'm following your will to the best of my abilities. Father, use me and use whatever means are proper and effective for proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Show me, Lord, reveal your plans to me, empower me through your Spirit, your Bible, and your gifts. In Christ's holy name. Amen.

Thank you for joining me today. May God richly bless your heart, life, and mission.

Special Note: I'm grateful to Big Book Media & Free Bible Images, Stock Exchange, Morgue Files, and Stock Photos For Free for the use of their photos.